Saturday, June 16, 2018

body uncontrolled

this is for the spirits that saw me see them -

may you be touched by the medicine that are your children

may you be reconciled for the journey toward water
horizon of nowhere, leading without vision 
into a loss beyond the body

a non-place, a dense absence, loudly silent, sterile 

and so violent.

may you recover dreams stolen by the whiteness of sky
on too many cloudy days

may what rain is to come resume your skin to your skin, 
your feet to the ground

your heart to its beating

may you seek yourself when seeking home.

this is for the children that are the medicine -

may you trust in the power of your hands to hold you
as they are the hands that have known giving
that have known carrying and caring 

that have transformed pain into healing

may you rejoice in the ground beneath your feet
for your roots go deep, 


deeper than any common history can ever discover,
uncover, excavate or prove.

may you recognize in your own body
uncontrolled - fire 

burning as it has grown to burn you, but this time
not to pain you, 

this time
to release you from the grips of shame.