Monday, May 28, 2018

woman interpreted

are we arguing now 
about how to speak to each other, expanding the space
for a transformation between us - or is the possibility of space 
becoming more constricted as you respond
to your need for being heard, silencing 
my interpretation of you. i know i can say, sometimes 
not say, what does not need to be spoken 
and sometimes must be spoken. 
forgive me beloved for this trespassing 
with words, forgive me
for this carelessness where i have hid
a desire to touch you, to bring you
to a more intimate place. 
what i could have spoken instead 
is that i understand your solitude -
it is also my own - of being a woman interpreted.
forgive me for this desire to break
us out of ourselves - a courage 
i know we both have.