Thursday, June 25, 2015

music to explore the wreck

everything up until now was a lie

i come from a country where the dead can vote

i live in a country where the body is halved

the beloved is a placebo effect and there is no real drug
to numb the rush of life pumping through the veins
no matter how uncomfortable the feeling is

death has no feeling at all

alcohol will mess up your immune system

having a fever is the best out of body experience
hallucinatory fortune telling dream ever

but even while i have decided to stop
i continue to the world

and the future is also a lie
for which time was invented

to measure anything is to forget magic

believe only in what you can sense in the moment

reality is pathetic but an i-phone is a selfish device
which will not help any of us escape

an education will not provide the tools to solve injustice
because justice is already paid for

god is not the answer but prayer helps heals holds

dancing is an expression of the souls' pain released

only the body is true
stay with it