Saturday, January 10, 2015

an alternative to a concept does not oppose

I can tolerate a really bad smell, 
a horribly rotten fish, 
40 degree heat, 
being hungry for two days, 
a headache, 
ice water in my shoes,
banging my foot,
a really horrible song,
waiting for the bus
for three hours
in the freezing cold,
head-spinning cramps,
the worst heartbreak,
a dog bite,
a mosquito all night
buzzing in the dark,
waking up early,
going to sleep late,
walking into a puddle
of mud,
a bumpy ride,
paying for water,
being broke,
breaking my arm,
losing my job,
and mice,
but you are not something
I want to tolerate.
You are someone
I want to respect.